If you need to convert 35mm film to digital, it's more likely to be a professional film and not a home movie. 35mm film transfers beautifully to DVD and MP4, and while we don't handle this format in-house, we work with experts who do.

What's So Special About 35mm Film Transfers?

35mm film stock is larger than 8mm home movies and captures more detail. It also costs more and takes commercial-grade film transfer equipment to capture those extra details.

It's true that most people have shifted from movie film to digital video. Still, there's a niche market for 35mm film services among production companies and serious filmmakers who prefer the look.

Converting 35mm Film to DVD and Digital

Are you a 35mm film producer? We can digitize your motion picture films and even create a digital highlight reel that puts your best footage forward. Call us today and let's share your superior quality films with the world.